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Bordas, A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2023). Different integration rules in pacing strategy in trail running. Poster session presented to the 8th meeting on the information integration theory, Washington, USA.

Carin, R., Faucher, C., Viard, V., Martin, M., Connes, P., Maqua, A., Pla, R., Merino, M., Gaston, A. F., Lacroix, J., Doucende, G., Joly, P., Stauffer, E., Brugniaux, J., Verges, S., Brocherie, F., Pichon, A., Robach, P., Nader, E. (September, 2023). Effects of a “Living High- Training High” Altitude Training Camp on Total Hemoglobin Mass, Blood Rheology and Red Blood Cells Senescence in Elite Open Water Swimmers. Poster at 3rd World Congress of International Society for Clinical Hemorheology, Regensburg, Germany.

Corrion, K., Filleul, V., Vivier, E., Meinadier, E., Maillot, J., Isoard-Gautheur, S., Fruchart, E., & D’Arripe-Longueville, F. (June, 2023). Intention de dopage chez les cyclistes : effets d'interaction des buts d’accomplissement et du burnout sportif. Communication orale aux journées d’étude de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Corrion, K., Filleul, V., Vivier, E., Meinadier, E., Maillot, J., Isoard-Gautheur, S., Fruchart, E., & D’Arripe-Longueville, F. (June, 2023). Doping intention in cyclists: interaction effects of achievement goals and athlete burnout. Talk session to 12th conference of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Europe, Leuven, Belgium.

Faucher, C., Carin, R., Connes, P., Nader, E., Maqua, A., Brugniaux, J., Pla, R., Gaston, A. F., Brocherie, F., Lacroix, J., Robach, P., Pichon, A. (November, 2023). Effet d’un entraînement « Live-High/Train-High » sur la masse totale en hémoglobine et la performance sportive chez des nageurs en eau libre élites. Présentation orale au 20ème Congrès International ACAPS, Reims, France.

Fruchart, E., & Cantisano, N. (June, 2023). Mapping cognitive positions on fear of retirement among sport professional handball players. Poster session presented to the 8th meeting on the information integration theory, Washington, USA.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2023). Mapping risk judgment and risk taking in mountain hiking. Talk session presented to the 8th meeting on the information integration theory, Washington, USA.

Legal, A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2023). A comparison of fatigue judgment in sport between in laboratory condition and in real sports condition. Poster session presented to the 8th meeting on the information integration theory, Washington, USA.

Legoy, T., & Fruchart, E. (Juin, 2023). Une cartographie du jugement d’acceptabilité à la mise en place d’un stage en hypoxie. Communication orale aux journées d’étude de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Schéou, B., Dubertrand, B., Cassignol, F., Clayes, C., Fruchart, E., Rode, S., Girand, S., & Varraine, E. (Mai-Juin 2023). Les différentes représentations de l'adaptation aux conséquences du changement climatique d'acteurs de stations de ski des Pyrénées-Orientales. Communication orale au 8ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire de l’Association pour la Recherche en Psychologie de l’Environnement, Aix en Provence, France.

Schéou, B., Dubertrand, B., Cassignol, F., Clayes, C., Fruchart, E., Rode, S., Girand, S., & Varraine, E. (Mai-Juin 2023). S’adapter aux conséquences du changement climatique dans les stations de ski des Pyrénées-Orientales : Représentations et stratégies des acteurs locaux. Communication orale à la 10ème conférence de l’Association Française de Management du Tourisme (AMFAT), Gérone, Espagne.

Zarrouk, L. A., Fruchart, E., & Guedj, M. (Juin, 2023). Etude exploratoire des motifs à adhérer ou non à un programme de sport sur ordonnance. Communication orale au 12ème congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie de la Santé, Montpellier, France.

Zarrouk, L. A., Fruchart, E., & Guedj, M. (June, 2023). Influence of motives on decision-making process in physical activity prescription program. Poster session presented to the 8th meeting on the information integration theory, Washington, USA.


Legal, A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2022). Meteorological determinants of subjective well-being during a mountain bike ride. Poster session presented to the 7th SFPS international congress, Vichy, France.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2022). Effects of metamotivational states on decision-making processes to engage in mountain hiking. Talk session presented to the 7th SFPS international congress, Vichy, France.

Fruchart, E. (June, 2022). Retirement among professional handball players: A structure of somatic motives. Talk session presented to the 21th reversal theory congress, Paris, France.

Fruchart, E. (March, 2022). The end of professional career in handball. Talk session presented to the socioprofessional meeting of FFHB. Maison du handball, Créteil, France.

Gabin A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2022). Stress, emotions and reversals among ski mountaineers during a sprint race. Talk session presented to the 21th reversal theory congress, Paris, France.

Zarrouk, L .A., Fruchart, E., & Guedj, M. (2022). Motives to adhere or not adhere an adapted physical activity program on medical prescription: A exploratory qualitative approach. Talk session presented to the 21th reversal theory congress, Paris, France.


Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2021). A psychometric scale of GRIT in sport. Talk session presented to the 6th SFPS international congress, Brest, France.

Zarrouk, L. A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2021). Determinants of adherence to a medically prescribed physical activity program in a mountain environment. Talk session presented to the 6th SFPS international congress, Brest, France.

Zarrouk, L. A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2021). Effect of metamotivational states on decision making to engage in running. Poster session presented to the 6th SFPS international congress, Brest, France.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2021). Successful retirement from elite handball sport: A Protective Frame Perspective. Talk session presented to the 20th reversal theory congress, Paris, France.

Fruchart, E. & Rulence-Pâques, P. (October, 2021). Why do adolescents like watch risky sports programs on television? A protective frame approach. Talk session presented to the 19th ACAPS international congress, Montpellier, France.

Sanchez, A. M. J. (octobre, 2021). Mechanical, cardiorespiratory, and muscular oxygenation responses to sprint interval exercises under different hypoxic conditions. Association Des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Montpellier, France.

Sanchez, A. M. J. (october, 2021). Heat therapy to minimize muscle atrophy. Aspetar Wednesday Webinar Series. Integrating heat therapy in the rehabilitation toolbox.

Solsona, R., Borrani, F., & Sanchez, A. M. J. (octobre, 2021). Mechanical, cardiorespiratory, and muscular oxygenation responses to sprint interval exercises under different hypoxic conditions. Association Des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives, Montpellier, France.


Sanchez, A. M. J., Méline, T., & Solsona, R. (novembre, 2020). Modélisation et impact de la récupération en bains chauds sur les adaptations à l'entraînement en short-track. La recherche au service de la performance, INSEP, Paris, France.

Siracusa, J., Gaston, A. F., Garcia-Vicencio, S., Charlot, K., Bourrilhon, C., Malgoyre, A. (February, 2020). A combination of a march and a short exhausting-exercise with load-carriage decrease physical performance and marksmanship accuracy. Talk session presented at 5th International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performanc(ICSPP), Québec, Canada.


Brau Villaro, S., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2019). The relation between Axiom of Purposiveness and Axiom of Information: An exploratory study in sport. Poster session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

Decroix, V., Rulence-Pâques, P., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2019). Capacities in information integration in moral judgment among elderly people with dementia. Poster session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

François, M., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2019). Judgment of happiness in trail-running: The perspective of pleasure, engagement, and meaningful. Poster session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2019). Mapping judgment of elements of subjective well-being in mountain rambling. Talk session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

Rulence-Pâques, P., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2019). Judging sports performance from psychological needs and subjective vitality: A mapping of professional athletes’, amateur athletes’ and non-athletes’ positions. Poster session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

Zarrouck, L. A., & Fruchart, E. (June, 2019). Influence of motives on decision-making process in sport. Talk session presented to the seventh meeting on the information integration theory, Barcarès, France.

Palvin, L., Docquier, A., Raibon, A., Sanchez, A. M. J., Leibovitch, S., Candau, R., Sabatier, F., &  Bernardi, H. (june, 2019). Overexpression of eIF3f protein protects mouse skeletal muscle from disuse atrophy during hindlimb immobilization. International Congress of Translational Research in Human Nutrition (ICTRNH 2019), Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Palvin, L., Docquier, A., Raibon, A., Sanchez, A. M. J., Leibovitch, S., Candau, R., Sabatier, F., &  Bernardi, H. (june, 2019). Overexpression of eIF3f protein protects mouse skeletal muscle from disuse atrophy during hindlimb immobilization. National congress of Physiology and Integrative Biology, Montpellier, France


Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2018). Different positions of judgment of responsibility for antisocial behaviour in sport. Talk session presented to the international congress of the French society of sport psychology, Lausanne, Suisse.


Fruchart, E. (Mai, 2017). Table ronde sur la reconversion professionnelle chez les sportifs, Journées Nationales d’Etudes de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport, Montpellier.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2017). Mapping non-athletes’, mountain athletes’ and non-mountain athletes’ judgments of arousal in mountain rambling: What about judgments of pleasure and satisfaction? Talk session presented to the sixth meeting on the information integration theory, Montreal, Canada.

Fruchart, E., & Rulence-Pâques, P. (June, 2017). Mapping positions of forgiveness a sports aggressor in female and male athletes’ practising different sports. Poster session presented to the sixth meeting on information integration theory, Montreal, Canada.


Gaston, A. F., Roca, E., Doucende, G., Hapkova, I., Subirats E, & Durand, F. (October, 2015). Réponses physiologiques à l'exercice en altitude : intérêt de la mesure de la SpO2. Talk session presented to 16th congress of ACAPS – Nantes.


Alexandre, F., Heraud, N., Sanchez, A. M. J., Tremey, E., Oliver, N., Guerin, P., Candau, R., & Varray, R. (September, 2014). Role of nocturnal desaturation on motor cortex impairment in COPD. Talk session presented to European Respiratory Society International Congress, Munich-Allemagne.

Mise à jour le 5 janvier 2024